CYBER Security quick tips

In todays world, scammers are all over the internet and they get smarter every day on ways to trick you into clicking here or there and revealing personal information that can cause major issues for your identity, savings, your credit, etc.  Train yourself, so you can avoid these harmful attacks. 

Top Tips, Email Attachments

  1. Never open or save attachments from an unknown sender.

Does it look fishy?  Is the email itself credible?  Do you know who the sender is?

  1. If you are un-sure, DON’T click on the attachment.

Pick up the phone and call the company to confirm the information they are looking for.

Top Tips, For Web Search Safety

  1. Stick to clicking on sites that come up on the first page of results
  2. Be careful when clicking on non-name recognizable sites
  3. Malware commonly masquerades as free things.

By definition: Malware, short for “malicious software,” refers to any intrusive software developed by cybercriminals (often called “hackers”) to steal data and damage or destroy computers and computer systems. Examples of common malware include viruses, worms, Trojan viruses, spyware, adware, and ransomware.


  1. Check who the email sender really is.          

Is the email address one you recognize?  Does it look normal, or are there too many weird letters, numbers?

  1. Check the email for grammar and spelling mistakes.

Scam emails usually have poor grammar and other tell-tale signs.  Be sure to review the message before you click!  

  1. Move your mouse over the link before you click, and or type the companies URL (web address) in your browser.

Checking the web address in your browser is a good way of checking if the email is legit.  Scammer links almost always show their true colors when you look them up.

  1. Still unsure? Just don’t click! 

Pick up the phone and call the company to confirm the information they are looking for.

Lesson learned:

Scammers are SMART and very very tricky!  Think twice before clicking on links, opening documents, and revealing your personal information.